Shayne Palmer Moving Into Technical Director Role
Shayne Palmer
As of recent news, Shayne Palmer has decided to step down as Vice President into a Technical Director role. This move was hard thought upon and our team at EVP is fully supportive of Shayne’s decision. Moving forward, Shayne will be pursuing his passion of becoming a police officer while continuing to work with EVP part-time. Shayne will be returning to EVP come September and will be coaching partial nights throughout each week.
Shayne’s time with our organization has been nothing short of a blessing as the commitment, passion, and energy he brought has shaped what it means to be part of EVP. Throughout his many years, Shayne has been a role model not only to our players but staff members as well. In every opportunity Shayne helped train new coaches and create an atmosphere that our staff members wanted to be a part of. Shayne’s ability to be connected throughout all parts of EVP enabled us to build a family like culture that we as an organization will never stray from.
As many already know, Shayne was also an elite coach that brought EVP to the level we are at today. Throughout the years, EVP has acquired many talented coaches and players that truly would not be at the level they are without Shayne’s guidance and knowledge. Moving forward our staff and coaches will be carrying his passion, knowledge, and love for the game as it has become part of who we are.
We wish Shayne the best on his new career path and look forward to working with him further!