Preparing For The 2019-2020 Rep Tryouts

What does it mean to become a REP volleyball player?

Transitioning into a REP athlete means you have the dedication and determination to become a better player. You commit yourself to improving on the skills you already posses, and are open to challenging yourself to learn new skills. Volleyball may be a team oriented sport, however, it also takes every individual player to do their very best to make the team successful. Every practice, game, and every time you touch the ball, is an opportunity for growth.

Prior to the REP season beginning, it is very important for players to prepare themselves physically and mentally for tryouts. The tryout process can be very overwhelming, especially for those who haven’t been training throughout the summer.

In order to help players be prepared for tryouts, EVP will be launching some skill specific REP training clinics.

Registration and more information can be found at

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